Sunday, August 15, 2010

the best spoon ever

excited to see haiwaiian shaved ice at balboa park:

only to realize the $3 pricetag was b/c it was just finely shaved ice + syrup. best shaved ice ive had was at kar's wedding reception (with mochi/ice cream and toppings)!

however, this cup of shaved ice redeemed itself by:

i almost saved the spoon. almost.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a year in review

i have this week off rotations, and after reading our friend rem's site, i decided to dust this off!

kris moved to uci to go to med skoo fall 09.
above: mel and i went to her white coat.
also: con su familia

the lion king musical winter 09.
bright costumes, catchy songs, and fun story!

debating between these 2 pix for Christmas card... we ended up with the bottom cuz the top one looks like i have something growing outta my back! sorry if you didnt get one- we prob didnt have your addy- i mite have a few lying around if you want one! =)

Christmas card lane!

to come: spring and summer 10!

Friday, April 3, 2009

the blog died, but we're still alive!

Last week, we went to Knott's Berry Farm with some of our fabulous friends. The last time Jane and I went was in high school where I distinctly remember there being water fights under the scorching sun. I believe I was burnt like a piece of toast after that trip. This one was less eventful, we are getting too old for that kind of fun.

Ji, Helen, Kris&JaneinSD, Paul, Rob

Kris, Jane and Rob after getting soaked on the Perilous Plunge. This was a super fun ride!

Ji, in his natural driving state. Nevermind that we're playing bumper cars.

Miss Helen was my driver, I was the camera guy.

Paul thinks bumper cars is fun.

Friday, September 12, 2008

lazy in la

a few weeks ago, jane and rem were chatting online. this was before jane started school because now she has no time to chat, i'm not even sure if she's still alive. i'll check on that after i finish this post. anyhow, rem suggested that we go to LA to visit him, and we decided that we could make time for a dear old friend of ours, so up to LA we went.

meet rem, he is a good gchatter and keeps me pretty entertained most of the time
meet mark, he sings really well and i always ask him to sing a song, and he always obliges

i'm a little bit of a fob.
we ate at a brazilian place at the farmers market, it was delish.

we also hit up the ever-famous Sprinkles, a yummy, botique-y cupcake joint. the line was long

and the cupcakes were expensive. but we enjoyed them anyway.
we ate some yummy italian food for dinner, which jane would like to show you:

and finally, we ended the night with some frozen yogurt from yogurtland. i think we all decided that the yogurt was just alright.

warning: dogs bite

Neighbor's dad bit dad... ouch. He had four puncture wounds where the canine teeth punctured his skin. Stupid dog.

Monday, August 25, 2008

alice's wedding

when: sat, aug 23rd
where: coronado
who:alice & rj

alice with her dad.

its hard to tell here, but the back of the dress has this crisscross that looked cool.

bt the wedding and reception, paul and i decided to take a stroll on the nearby beach.

it had nice waves and pretty empty b.c it was on the naval base.

with jenny, the matron-of-honor. she got married about a year ago!

paul and i with mrs. matagora!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


This is a plum.

This is a plum tree.

That plum came from the plum tree in our neighbor's backyard. These cute little balls of purple started coming on our side of the fence, and after my mom saw they never picked any and that the neighbors let the plums become this:

...she started to pick them. One at first. Then a few. Two days ago, she saw our neighbor and told him about her clandestine activities. He told her to pick as many as she wanted, and the very next day, proceeded to give us a big ziplock bag of plums. Mother then proceeded to take out half the plums, and carted them over to our across-the-street neighbor, who also partook in the secret aforementioned activities.

Morale of the story? Eat the plums that your neighbor doesn't want! These happen to be quite juicy, with perfectly light canary yellow flesh. :)