Thursday, July 31, 2008


i still haven't gotten around to taking my camera with me to take pictures throughout the day, so instead of pictures, you get a story today.  and instead of a story that happened today, you get a story from yesterday.

so if you're a loyal follower of this blog, you'll know that we went to cheesecake factory yesterday and after seeing the hoards of piggies wanting $1.50 cheesecake (yes, us included) we ended up at applebees instead.  

kris: so out of 5 stars, what do you rank the shrimp?
paul: 5 stars?  ooo, it's too hard to say, the range is too small.
kris: okay, well what do you rank it out of 10 stars?
paul: (very pensively) umm... 6 stars out of 10!
kris: so essentially 3 stars out of 5?

this is the first entry for my "why i like" series.  i like paul's company because he makes me laugh, usually at his expense.  disclaimer: the "why i like" series will continue for as long as i want it to and will be as sporadic as i decide.  so no promises, this may be the one and only entry in the series. 


Unknown said...

i think you forgot to add that i actually answered "3 out of 5" then decided the scale was too small and asked that it be out of 10.

REMinLA said...

Pictures please, I'm too shallow to read