Thursday, August 7, 2008


This is a plum.

This is a plum tree.

That plum came from the plum tree in our neighbor's backyard. These cute little balls of purple started coming on our side of the fence, and after my mom saw they never picked any and that the neighbors let the plums become this:

...she started to pick them. One at first. Then a few. Two days ago, she saw our neighbor and told him about her clandestine activities. He told her to pick as many as she wanted, and the very next day, proceeded to give us a big ziplock bag of plums. Mother then proceeded to take out half the plums, and carted them over to our across-the-street neighbor, who also partook in the secret aforementioned activities.

Morale of the story? Eat the plums that your neighbor doesn't want! These happen to be quite juicy, with perfectly light canary yellow flesh. :)


Unknown said...

fun story! do any of your neighbors have an orange/pineapple/mango tree? if so, let me know!

REMinLA said...

Wow, when and where did your mom learn such rebellious activities?

Krisitna Wang said...

wow, when and where did your mom learn such skilled activities?